Professional Course

Professional Diploma

In Property Entrepreneurship

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Professional Certificate

In Real Estate Agency 


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Professional Diploma

The Professional Diploma programme is specially designed  to enhance the skills and knowledge related to the client vocation for career advancement. The curriculum, which is developed and designed by professional lecturers from various faculties of the University of Malaya and also professional practitioners, stresses both theoretical and practical aspects to cater to working adults' needs to enhance their knowledge and skills in related fields. All courses are carried out on a part-time basis and classes are held on weekday, weekends and online classes.

The learning and teaching methods comprise lectures, discussions, group presentations, exercises, videos and case studies. All these methods are enhanced through the use of various teaching aids. To maintain credibility in certification, all examinations are conducted under strict university regulations.

Professional Certificate

Professional certificate and Certified programme is an initiative to train and to produce high-calibre and highly-trained professionals in a particular field of specialization. Through this programme, participants will be given intensive training through the modules offered and their performance evaluated according to predetermined criteria.