Professional Certificate In Certified Property Coach

This program aims to provide Real Estate Negotiators (REN) entrepreneur to learn  and have the overall understanding  on the importance of REN Personal Sales Management and overall Team Sub-sales and Project Sales.

The specialization aims  to provide the comprehensive knowledge in Property Marketing, Sales, Digital  Media Management,  and business management  and is suitable for those wanting to acquire a sound understanding of all aspects of the property business. 

Entry Requirement

Applicants Candidates must fulfill the following requirements

i.    Passed SPM with a minimum of two (2) credits or equivalent: AND
ii.  Have a minimum of six (6) months working experience
Program Modules
University Courses:
Malaysian Studies
English for Communication
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship in Malaysia
Social Responsibility
The Course Will Cover:
1. Advertising and marketing communication of property presentation and sales strategies.
2. Real estate agent entrepreneurship strategies.
3. Application of social media marketing.
Sub sales and project sales planning.
5. How to own a profitable REA business.
6. Advertising strategy for successful sales.
7. Digital social media marketing II
8. Team building for growth.
9. Financial management and government compliance
10. Overall REA property entrepreneurship. 
Benefits & Outcomes :
1. Learn REA skill and knowledge effectively.
2. Empower you to start a profitable career as a licensed Real Estate Agent (REA).
3. Be guided to be a successful REN and have a profitable career in REA.
4. To understand and master the business scope of running your REA business.
5. To aggressively apply and use social media marketing in property sub-sales and project sales.
6. To update knowledge on latest internet platform for a better career advancement in real estate business.
7. To improve your skills and ability to manage emerging issues from REA clients.
8. Learn how to manage and qualify quality clients in REA business.
9. Able to comply the essential needs for the REA operation.
10. Understand the key consideration for property investment criteria.
Special Packages :
1. Professional Certificate from Universiti Malaya.
2. Real Estate Negotiator Certificate (NCC)
Certificate from Lembaga Penilai, Pentaksir, Ejen Harta Tanah dan Pengurus Harta (LPPEH)
3. Certificate of Completion

Jointly issued by institute Pembangunan Usahawan Progresif Malaysia (Institute PUPM) & Malaysia Institute of Property Entrepreneurs (MIPE)
4. Associate Membership in MIPE

Malaysia Institute of Property Entrepreneurs (MIPE)

Program Fee

Program : Professional Certificate in Real  Estate Agency Entrepreneurship

Fee            : RM 4,388

Other Info ( Duration of Study/Medium of Instruction)

Program Duration
The duration of the program is four (4) months on a part-time basis.

Medium of Instruction
The program is conducted in both online and Zoom Classes as well as Face to Face Lectures.

Program Location
  • Bangunan Premier, Kuala Lumpur
  • UMCCed Wisma Research Bangsar

For more information, call/WhatsApp us at:-

Miss Sandra/ Mr Simon Kee

03 - 9221 7789/012- 579 3789
